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What's Tea?

Updated: Mar 27

This blog is about the tea that's happening in your life or any energies surrounding you! <3

Hush Mode:

I see that some of you have stopped communicating your business to other people! This has got your energy coming up as elusive. These people can see that you are not struggling (emotionally, physically, financially, etc) as you once were. These people may have enjoyed gossiping about you whenever you would tell them anything. Good news or bad news! As long as you were the topic, they yap yap yap chile! Now that you have learned not to share

with certain people, they have nothing to talk about honey! The friendships/ alliances that were built on trashing you are crumbling! The tea is spilling in their laps honey! They are quiet now because everything they said/lied about you, is popping up in their lives! God is teaching these people some harsh lessons! They learning to stay out your business/energy the hard way!

Too Much Dip On His/Her Chip:

Someone will be faced with the realities of their addictions. This person may have sexual demons attached to them and they have not come to terms with how to heal these wounds. This person chases sexual escapades and enjoys sleeping with multiple people. This person could have other addictions such as pills, alcohol or

other substances. This person is about to be faced with the consequences of not healing this wound. This person may get a DUI/DWI, jail time, or a STD because of these unhealthy habits. This information may be told to you by a third-party person. "Did you hear what happened to such and such?" This may be a relative or a friend of yours. This information may take you by surprise. They may even begin to take heavy financial loses because of these addictions.

It's Burning Them Up!

Someone's chest is on FIRE right now! Baby you told someone you were through, and it's got them slow singing in the rain. They want to come and apologize to you about whatever it is they did to wrong you. I feel as if you now know that this connection is a dead end. Although you are prompted by your spirit team to forgive this person, your spirit team is encouraging you to continue to let the chapter close.

"Forgiveness does not mean access." This person may have put off committing to you in the past. They felt as though they had time to get it right. They didn't feel as if you would actually walk away from them. I see this person coming back and offering you a "type of commitment" but not the type of commitment you are wishing for at this time. I don't see you reconciling with this person, but you can expect them to reach out to you soon. They may want to have a "closure talk." Spirit is telling you to use your intuition. Do you really need to hear the last apology? or have you healed past the apology and given yourself closure? This person will not directly apologize to you, they will use the time to convince you of all the reasons why you should stay, including trying to sleep with you "one last time." The choice is yours! Use your discernment.

A Good Healing

I see you have been really trying to get your energy organized more than ever right now! Your spirit team is sending you extra love because of the way you have been loving on yourself. Some of you are recovering from "Imposter Syndrome." You had to realize you are HIM/HER! I see its some petty energy surrounding you caring for yourself or going out more! These people are upset because they can't do the things you are doing, and they are bitter towards you. This person is sending you

entrapment energy. They want you to go back inside your shell or to go back to being depressed and isolated! Don't worry, this person or people is about to see that energy full force at their door! This person will become trapped in the same energy they are sending you! They will become trapped, mentally or physically imprisoned. They will be in repeated cycles for quite some time. This is someone who can be around you when you are feeling down but they can't stand to be near you when you are experiencing happiness! Keep tending to your needs and getting your life in order! This new wave of happiness is just the beginning of all of the things headed your way.

A Wave of Love

God is gifting you with a new chance at love in the coming weeks or he may have already gifted you this person. This love is going to feel foreign because this person will be totally different from your usual type. For some, they may be another race, but for most of you, this person will be a different breed! This person is not your usual, but they will be everything you need in a partner! This person will be attractive and may even be muscular or works out often. This person would like to give you small gifts as a form of expressing their love or interest in you. They would not like to see you work so hard and want to relieve some of the stress associated with your life. Spirit is also telling you

that you don't have to compete for this person or be concerned about this person placing you in competition with others. This person may come in and realize you are everything they want. They may even try to run from you, but they will experience little success in that! Lol they will be trapped by the thoughts of you! This person may love deeply and become emotionally connected to people they are involved with. I hear "don't text them, don't text them." 8:03a "good morning" LOL They are or will be in critical condition when it comes to you. Baby you gone have this person WEAK! Enjoy the love and remember to live in the moment and don't worry about the "what ifs."

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