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The Power in Knowing Your Name!

Updated: May 19, 2023

Do you ever wonder why God makes it a point to call you by name? In Philippians 2, verse 9,

God assigns Jesus the name of Yeshua. He states this name will hold power and will save His people from sin. He says that I will know you by name and I will call out that name when I am calling for you. Sometimes we miss God's communications because we are unaware of who we are and what power our name holds in His kingdom. Your name is directly tied to who you are. In order for you to understand your position in the kingdom and the power of your name, you must know yourself and who you are in relation to God.

Learning ourselves is often the hardest thing to do because we have picked up personality traits of the people who raised us and the community that surrounds us. As children we are like sponges and we absorb the energies we interact with. We see what our mother, father, older siblings, and idols do, and we take on those traits to create ourselves in their image without even realizing it. It's usually not until we hit our mid 20s that we realize we have not truly connected with who we are. When God begins to call on us, we are lost as to what He is calling us to do because it often goes against who we were raised to be. When you began your journey to self, you start to realize that many of the ways you were behaving, patterns you were repeating, and thoughts you were thinking, were not your own. This is when you start to search for who you are. You start to realize that your name is different from the life you are living. When God starts to speak to you, and reveals to you your purpose, you are confused because your lifestyle will not match your calling. God will call you a pastor, but you are currently an unbeliever. God will call you a leader when you've been raised to "go with the flow." God will call you a husband/wife and you are currently in Jezebell energy. He will say you are a millionaire, and you only have $5 to your name! We are often confused when God calls us because He is calling the name of who we are meant to be, not who we are currently.

This is when the purging will begin. God begins to strip us of the worldly things. When we ask God to reveal to us who we are, He starts to show us who He is. We were made in God's image and were designed to walk the lifestyle of righteousness and wholeness. God begins to reveal the family members who planted bad seeds, the idols who mislead us, and the friends who have hindered our growth. He begins to show us what has been planted inside of our soul so that we can cleanse and release these things. The more that we release, the more room we make for God to come and show us who we truly are. This is when we learn our names and what we actually mean to God and to this world. When we release the version of ourselves that people have molded us to be, we take on the persona of who God intended us to be. God's voice becomes clear to us and when He calls us, we begin to recognize His voice!

When He strips away the worldly persona, we often begin to feel as if we do not to belong with the people, we started the journey with. The journey to self often means losing parts of you that you believed were "core personas." Along with this, comes with losing pepole. God begins to show you that the money is not what made you, you, like your friends stated. He shows you that your path of righteousness does not look like the path of your mother or father. He shows you the flaws in your idols to reveal they are not perfect. God begins to remove the veil over your spiritual eye. He shows us that most of our actions, demeanors, and thought patterns are products of who we were taught to be by the very people who surround us. Once this happens, we begin to look at life differently and see ourselves through different lenses. We then realize that we will walk a different path from anyone else we know, because we have a different name from those people. Walking in your purpose and answering your name will cause you to look, act and speak like a totally different person. If you are wanting to know the power behind your name, you will have to learn who God is. God will teach you, who you are, through learning who He is. Your name is powerful, and it is important to learn the spiritual calling behind it! Unlearn who you were taught to be so that you can learn who you are meant to be! What is the meaning behind your name? Who is God calling you to be? Ase'.

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