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Random Confirmations

I have pulled 6 cards and 5 channeled messages. Take these messages as they resonate. If one does not resonate, then that card pull is not for you!

Baby I see you done cut somebody tf off honey! This person was not expecting you to move the way you did. I see some of you may have blocked this person on everything (did you block the Pinterest account too? LMFAO). This person's head is spinning because they never thought you would actually cut them off and stand on your boundaries! No contact, no sex, and no access! They feel like you are being a bit harsh with them. This card is giving me that they stalk your house or your job too. They may have a black car or you may have one. This could also represent this person lurking at nighttime. Good for you sugarpie!

You are becoming more clear about the things you want to manifest in the future. Someone is asking for a house and your spirit team is asking you to get specific with them so that they can bring it to you! How many bedrooms? bathrooms? yard? price? location? Take a walk around your current neighborhood and say goodbye. This will signature to your spirit team that you are accepting the move and you ae ready! Also, I see something new! A Car or a job perhaps? The clearer you get with what you want for yourself, the easier the path to getting it will be! Your future looks bright so stop right now and smell the flowers! You are being cleaned up right now so that you don't have to take any baggage with you into your new beginning!

Someone is hiding from you! This person feels ashamed of themselves and the way they treated you in the past. Someone may have talked bad about you or spread some rumors about you that is simply not true! pay attention to the people who act as if they feel guilty about something. These people are harboring that guilt and it is turning into shame. Someone may have done something behind your back that they know will be grounds for a cutoff if you knew! This person is definitely ashamed of themselves. They may start to avoid you, if they already haven't. They are embarrassed that they behaved the way they did. This person doesn't want to face you for fear that you may know or may find out.

Out with the old and in with the new! You will be throwing away old things and welcoming in new energy. The things that no longer serve you, must leave! You will start to feel like you are being stripped of a lot of old emotions, thoughts, and people at this moment. These things can't go into your new beginning, and this means that you must discard them! Clean your home as well. Throw out old clothes, shoes, and junk that isn't for you. These things hold energy. Clear that space. Your environment will reflect your mental! Clear it out and clear out your mind. You will need the space to welcome the new things into your life.

Your prayers have been heard by God. You will find yourself in a state where everything you pray for will manifest for you in the physical, almost immediately! You have been through a rough patch in your life and God is recognizing your strength, and wants to reward you for sticking with Him through your storms. Your big heart is being rewarded at this time. Your stubborn love did not go unnoticed by the Most High God. You are the Chosen One of your generation and you have been breaking curses that surround your family. Your reward will be something you have been yearning for! Your biggest blessings are on the way!

Some of you will be learning to take more risk on yourself and your goals. You will be put in an energy where you must take leaps of faith and hope you land on your feet. God will be removing your safety nets because a vision without faith, is just a dream! You will need to move like you KNOW God is standing behind you! Everything can't be planned out and you can't always know how things will end. You must take a leap of faith and realize that your heart will lead you exactly where you need to be. Take that job, take that new connection, and hang out with those new friends! Once you realize that God will lead you to your destiny, you will release fear and welcome risk. Your biggest reward will come from your biggest risk!

Channeled Messages:

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