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Past Present Future


The journey to enforcing boundaries and accepting peace!

The Past

I see in the past you were investing your love into toxic energies. You could have been giving to people without any return on your investment. These people used the love you had for them as a way to keep you tied into toxic patterns. The collective had to learn how to see things for what they really were and not what they desired them to be. Some of you had to reground yourself and tune into the realities of the connections. You had family, friends and lovers who wanted to abuse your love and finances for their own selfish greed. It took you some time to release these people pleasing habits and stand firm in your boundaries. I see you having to have a serious talk with your Spirit Guides and God about enforcing stronger boundaries and keeping yourself balanced.

You had to realize that you givewhat runs over, not what's in the cup! The cup is yours, but when it runs over, that is what you can give! Give yourself the love, the money, the compassion and the energy first before giving to other and leaving yourself depleted!

The Present

I see you are currently learning to trust your intuition more. You have realized that you are not meant to carry other people's burdens because you have your own to worry about. You are learning to prioritize your health and peace. You are learning to communicate your boundaries with compassion but with sternness. I see the people around you are being enraged by the boundaries you are imposing. You are becoming sound and whole in your own energy, and it is brewing up some storms in these people lives. They are used to burdening you with their problems and issues. Now that you are not taking on their emotional or financial problems, they are drowning and blaming you in the process.

Spirit is telling you to be bold and make the first move at reinforcing your boundaries. These are the type of people who will test your boundaries just to see how far they can get with you. You are going to be receiving all of the pleasures of this world and these people are going to be upset because they will be experiencing storms.

The Future

I see in the future you will have many things to celebrate. You will be finding your lover and soul tribe. Your finances will be on the rise, and you will be more abundant than ever. You will have gone through a radical rebirth and your future will look nothing like your past. I see you being free and liberated in your future self. Everything you are working towards will come to you in due time. You may experience some resistance, as the people around you will not be ready for your rebirth. In your rebirth, you will become stronger, more vocal, and more serious about yourself. Your soul tribe will feel like home, and you will finally feel as if you belong to something.

Everything you have prayed for will be brought into fruition within the coming months. Some of you, it will come before Gemini season. In the future, no one will be able to put you into a box! Embrace your future, it is bright and filled with endless possibilities! I see you stopping to smell the roses and truly embracing your "Happy Place." Peace will find you and you will be challenged with accepting that peace. Choas was your normal, it will be challenging to relax into your peace but it is yours to have!



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