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Past, Present, and Future


Topic: Self-Progression

The Past:

The past is meant to teach us something. I see in the past, you struggled with surrendering. A lot of you dealt with connections and job environments that were manipulative. These aspects of life were distorted and caused a lot of strife in your life. For some of you, your life was out of control, and to counter that, you became too controlling. You became apprehensive to protect yourself. For some of you, it was nothing but a miracle that kept you. In the past, you were hostile and blocked out connections to protect yourself from disappointments. You may have struggled with your finances or were financially irresponsible. You often wore a mask to hide the wounds you carried. People around you had hurt you, jobs had disappointed you, and you were at an impasse. At this stage of life, you were your most vulnerable, yet the most defensive. You may have been battling some ego issues, as well.

The Present:

In the present moment I see you learning how to balance your emotions. You are learning that bad things don't happen to you, they happen through you, for you! You are learning to silence your inner conflict. You are learning to trust yourself more and by doing this, you are freeing yourself from burdens and external people/things/habits that interfere with your peace. You may be keeping your new connections and finances private. You are learning that sharing every detail with certain individuals can cause more problems than it solves. You are learning to slow down in life and take it one day at a time. You are currently at the turning point of your life. This level up feels Godly. This is where God reveals His blessings for you. You are learning to forgive yourself for any of your past mistakes and freeing yourself of that disappointment.

The Future:

Motivational QuoteMotivational WuoteMotivational WuotMotivational WuoMotivational WuMotivational WMotivational MotivationalMotivationaMotivationMotivatioMotivatiMotivatMotivaMotivMotiMotMoMThe future looks and smells like blossoming flowers! I see you putting in the work to turn your life into your wish fulfillment. You will be using the lessons you learned from your misfortunes to create this reality. You will be the main character in your reality, and you will be leaving things of the past behind. In the future I see you being decisive about your next steps forward. You are going to be standing in your truth and leaving behind your scarcity mindset. I see you realizing you are worthy of anything you manifest. Money problems will be something of the past. I see this new season looking like financial stability and resourcefulness. Balancing your money will be a focus because this new level will leave you with excess. God will be blessing you, using what you have left after the break though. Everything you lost, was not needed. God will be preforming miracles in what is left and blessing you with new income, stability, and connectioMotiv

Channeled Songs:

Thinking Out Loud x Glorrilla

Rich off Pain x Rod Wave

Dark Conversations x Rod Wave

My Struggle x Lil Boosie

23 Island x JayDaYoungan

Rich off Pain x Lil Baby, Lil Durk, Rod Wave

Emotionally Scarred x Lil Baby

Time I'm On x NBA Youngboy

Princess Queet's Motivational Quote:

"In the past, we can find clues to who we were. When you look at your past self, look at them with admiration instead of guilt. That person persevered through unimaginable trials and tribulations. That person was needed. The aggression, the anger, the depression, and failures were necessary. Without them, you wouldn't be here. Look at yourself now and be appreciative of where you are in life. The you that you are now, is valuable. In order to attract the higher self, the shadow self must feel worthy of the light. Now look at the future you. Do not be afraid of the growth and don't shy away from the unfamiliar. The future you will know how to handle the future problems. Let them blossom. The Scorpion, The Eagle, and The Phoenix are all necessary in the evolution of our life cycles."


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20. März 2023
Mit 5 von 5 Sternen bewertet.

I definitely see the differences now and I am here for them! This will be my third time consistently manifesting and God will bless me because I choose out of love rather than just being selfish.

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