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Ordinary People

Perfection is a focal point in our society and is praised throughout our everyday life.

As we grow up, we encounter mentors, parents, and adults who try to implement the "perfection mindset" into us. We are reminded that flaws should be hidden with our picture filters, photoshopping and editing. The perfection agenda leaves no room for people to be, people.

In our life we have run into people who may have disappointed us at some point. These people may be individuals we hold dear to our hearts or someone we admired. Most times, it is us who disappoint us the most. We forget to see them, and ourselves, as human and so when we become disappointed and upset. It seems like a star fell out of the sky. We think 'how could I have messed that up?' or 'how could they get that wrong?'... We forget to allow ourselves and others the room to make mistakes because "perfection is the answer." Sometimes we forget this amazing thing... called *grace.*

Grace is that feeling of where you know this person means well but they fell short somewhere, so you forgive them anyhow. Grace is when your heart was in the right place, but your actions didn't align with them, but you forgive yourself because you tried to be good. Grace is that beautiful feeling of "I/They tried their best and even though it fell short of my expectations, I will give them/me breathing room to redeem." God says, "there is no perfect man." The reason He feels the need to point this out to us several times throughout the Bible, is to remind us that He doesn't want us to be perfect! If God, the creator of life itself, doesn't expect you or me or others to be perfect... why should we?

People will make mistakes and people will do you wrong, intentional or unintentional. But as God's people, we are to allow people grace. We are supposed to allow ourselves this same grace. You won't get it right the first time, 10/10 & neither will the people around you! You will fumble a good person, you will fumble a good job, you will yell when you are meant to speak softly, and you will trip over air when nothing is there! People are just that, people. Hindsight will make you question yourself and others. But you have to remember, what you or they know now, is far greater than what you/they knew then. What you will know is 3 weeks, is far greater than what you know now! Allow yourself and the others around you some grace this week! God already forgave you and them... its time you/they do the same! Remember what John said... "we're just ordinary people. we don't know which way to go."


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