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Love Letter from Someone Interested in You!


"I think you have a bold personality. You seem mean from a distance, but I know that's just a show to keep people back from you. I can tell that you've been hurt before, so have I. You are so strong and it's so damn attractive. I love your style and the way that you dress. It's different. You're not the typical "Instagram model" type but you damn sure could be one! Your eyes are intriguing. Everything about your appearance is attractive to me. I think you are a little guarded because of the things you've been through, but you still seem open to love. You seem to get a lot of attention and that intimidates me a little. I am not insecure in the least bit, but all of that attention makes me question if I could be the one for you. You're really desirable and I don't want to have to compete for your love. You're so independent. You make your own money and create your own stability; I love you for that! You don't need me and that just does something for me. I'm used to people who need me, but you are just different. I keep saying that but it's so true! You are just d*i*f*f*e*r*e*n*t! I love how you seem to balance your light side with your dark side. You are really calm and laid back, but I can tell you have a darker side to you. It intrigues me. I want to explore it with you because you always seem to venture on the lighter side of things. You trigger emotions inside of me that I can't quite explain. I feel like just watching your social media, makes me fall for you and we haven't even met yet! The things you post or say make me think about life in a different way. I watch your socials to see how you think. I want to know how to love you in your love language but you're a little private. I wish you would reveal more online, but I know you... you're too mysterious to do that!" ;)


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