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Karmics' Karma


Past, Present, and Future

The Past:

These individuals would go through your phone or your belongings to find information to use against you or justify their horrible behaviors. These Karmics would also stalk you on social media to find more information on you. These Karmics couldn't hide behind their mask for long, as your transformation started to reveal their true character. I see spirit pushed you into hermit mode to show you who was a karmic in your life. You were guided by God to remove this toxic energy away from you. These individuals were obsessed with hindering your progression. These could have been lovers who were using sex to keep you trapped. These individuals may have been doing some form of sexual magic or energy manipulation. These could have been friends or family as well. These people did everything in their power to get you to crack and break under pressure, but you transformed instead.

The Present

I see these individuals are currently having to eat the same poison they tried to give to you. In this moment, be VERY careful of who you eat food from, as energy is placed in food. "Cooking with love" can easily turn into "cooking with hate." These Karmics loved the power they had over you. They are upset with you for breaking free from them and no longer allowing them to stress you. They see you looking towards the future and receiving your blessings. You have major ships and opportunities coming your way in the present day and it is irritating them. They may try to seduce or convince you to pass up on your opportunities, but spirit is advising you to trust God alone at this moment. Spirit is advising you to not speak on your blessings in this moment because these people will give you more problems than solutions. They will create obstacles for you, just to hinder your growth. Your spirit team is surrounding you heavily in this moment because you are in the middle of a timeline shift. You are receiving blessings on blessings in this moment!

The Future

These Karmics will begin to confess their sins to you. The karma will be so extreme for some of these Karmics, that they will feel the only way to get out of it, will be to confess what they have done to you. Some of these Karmics will catch STDs, some of them uncurable. Some of them will catch Sexually Transmitted Demons and begin to experience spiritual haunting or mental anguish. They will come begging for forgiveness. The karma will be so bad that it will knock the fight out of these people. They may call needing your help to relieve their mental anguish. Spirit is saying you must forgive them, and you can even pray for them, but you can't do anything further. You are to enjoy your life, free of conflict and free of people who wish to cause you conflict. These Karmics will be watching you like a hawk. They will have to watch you experience peace in all forms of the word. They will also have to watch you be loved properly. Remain humble but pop your shit! Show your new partner, car, home, and body off! You deserve it! ;)

Signs of relevance:

Zodiacs: Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini, Aires, Leo and Cancer

Other Signs: cliffs, mountains, oceans, crows, birds, double shots, 123, 1234, 321, 555, 666,

Channeled Songs:

Tomorrow 2 x Glorilla ft Cardi B

Practice x Da Baby

Really Really x Kevin Gates

Rich Flex x Drake & 21 Savage

Calling my phone x Lil Tjay & 6Lack



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