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Channeled Love Letters


To/From Aquarius, Capricorn, Pisces, Sagittarius

"I know that I have been toxic towards you and that has caused you to leave me. You finally set boundaries with me and I'm so proud of you for doing it... but it hurts too! You are seeing through all of my lies and as the truth is being shown to you, you're pulling away from me. I lied to keep you close but those same lies are pushing you farther from me... This is not what I wanted! This love has become toxic because I am toxic to you. I had a hard childhood and I never learned how to heal from it. We always argue and I always push away your points. It's easier for me to reject your opinions than acknowledge them because then I'd have to admit that I am wrong. I want to come talk to you now. I want to know if you're replacing me. I didn't think I cared until I actually felt the distance you've put between us. I treated you like a placeholder and I regret it. I regret a lot of things right now. My possessive nature is making me feel off balance... I'm losing control over you, and I don't like it. I held onto past people and past behaviors that interfered with our connection. It was easier for me to please the crowd than it was to change. You're changing now and it feels like I'm not a part of the new you. I feel like you are closing the final chapter to our story and these feelings hurt. I know I made you feel unappreciated and like I wasn't listening to you. But I hear you now! You're my twin, my mirrored soul... are you really going to leave me behind? I am reaping everything I sowed in this connection. My karma is whooping me right now and no matter what, my mind keeps coming back to you. Back to what we had. Is it really over this time?"

To/From Leo, Gemini, Scorpio, Virgo

"This connection was really intense from the start. When I first met you, I lacked the emotional maturity to be able to understand a connection like this. I got scared of my own feelings and started to sabotage this connection. My mind only seen the differences between us, and I focused on how thing just wouldn't work. I know I was being petty towards you with my actions and immaturity. I had/have some very unhealthy behaviors that I picked up from childhood and I'm learning how to heal those things. I've been bouncing from partner to partner because I can't get you out of my head. I miss touching and rubbing on you. I miss how cuddly you were and how soft and gentle you were to me. I look at you and see how happy you have become without me. I see that you're smiling and taking good care of yourself since we split; I'm lowkey bitter about it. I've been stressing about my poor decisions that caused me to treat you the way I did. It seems like you aren't even phased by the separation. I know I have to experience growth in this season. I know that I have to grow up but it's so hard when everyone around me is a yes man... Idk what I am truly doing wrong. You were the only one to be honest with me and I took your honesty as an attack on my character. I see now that you were trying to save us... save me. You only wanted what was best and now I am lost at how to get you to care again. I am fighting off addictions: my mindset, my habits, my patterns, and my drinking/pills. I am fighting it all at this moment because I know I have to get myself together before I can approach you. You have grown so much in this separation and idk if you'll even desire me the same. I want to have a family with you. I would be hurt if you had a baby with someone else. I might lose my mind. I want to be the one to get you pregnant/ get pregnant by you. I want a family with you, and I want it to be healthy. You've made me want to grow and become the Divine Masculine. I want to be my best self for you. I'm going to call you and tell you how I feel. I need you to know that I care about you deeply. I see how you barely react to me now... is it too late? Do you hate me? "

To/From Cancer, Taurus, Aires, Libra

"I can't get you out of my mind. No matter where I go, no matter what I do, or who I am with; I can't get you out of my head! I wonder all day who you are with. What you are doing. I never realized I was this territorial until you. I'm not even the jealous type but you... you bring that side out of me. I am really frustrated at the moment. My ego wants to forget you and move on, but I can't. It's impossible. You are everything that I want, and it is so frustrating for me. I am used to being abandoned so I always try to leave first. I'm the one who doesn't reply to messages because I don't want to be the one left on read. I leave connections at the sight of conflict because I don't want to be rejected and left. I know this is not healthy but it's true. I'm not good at expressing my feelings verbally. My love language is sex, and you speak it very well to me. It's like you learned my body and my wants and I've never had anyone care that much to please me. I thought I was going to hypnotize you with my sex, but I think you did it to me instead! No one compares to you in the bedroom; you blow my mind. You're more than just sex to me though. I know I come off nonchalant or I act tough but really... I'm hurt when we aren't talking. You are so strong and your ability to heal past my behaviors, makes me feel so proud of you. I took your complaints as arguments, and I now realize how that made you feel. I didn't understand that conflict is normal in healthy connections. I thought you were going to leave because you were upset and so... I left first. I can't let you go though. I can't bare seeing you with someone else. I am open to you now. I am open to this connection. I have healed some of those wounds I've been carrying since childhood and some of my insecurities. I feel empowered now and reborn. I want to come towards you, but I am hesitant. Will you let me make this right between us? Our connection is strong, and I don't think anything could break us up if we really tried. I pray for us. I pray for you to return to me. I will come towards you; will you meet me halfway?"



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