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5 Motivational Messages

"Success Is Not Final. Failure is not Fatal. The courage to continue is what matters"

Don't quit on yourself at the sight of failure. You can win today or tomorrow. But do not quit on yourself. When you make it to your destination, keep pushing! Success only last if you continue putting effort into yourself and your success!

"Sometimes the only way to heal our wounds is to face the monsters who caused them."

It is easy to run from our monsters because we see them as scary. We see the people who have caused us major trauma and as a result, we want to get as far away from them and the pain, as possible. But running does not help you, it only slows you down. You have to face and make peace with the people who have caused you trauma. This doesn't mean you have to have an intervention. This means you have to acknowledge to yourself, "I have been hurt and this person is the one who did it. The pain they caused me does not define me. I am free of any guilt because I did nothing to deserve the pain. They can no longer cause me pain and I am no longer helpless." Facing the pain does not mean you are admitting that you are or were weak, it means that you are strong enough to face and defeat your monsters.

"Healing is not linear."

Often times we think that we are not healed because our emotions about our trauma/pain changes from day to day. One day we are okay. The next day we are overwhelmed with sadness and grief. The day after we are angry. Then the next day we are at peace. Healing does not have a certain look or feeling. Healing means that you are allowing yourself to feel every emotion attached to that trauma, pain, or loss. You should feel happy, then sad, then angry, then happy, then emotional. After you purge all of those emotions, you will feel that peace that comes with healing. Peace can't happen if you are bottling up your feelings just to say you are "healed." Those bottled up emotions will create a war within yourself and eventually, you will lose that battle. Healing will look an ugly hot mess! But after that rain, your beautiful rainbow will come!

"The only way out, is through! You are the light at the end of the tunnel."

Sometimes we get into rough situations, and we stop traveling through the tunnel. We hit roadblocks and we just stop. But the only way out of a bad situation is to keep walking/moving until you are no longer there. If you stop now, you will forever be where you are. You will remain stuck because your savior is inside you. God gave us wisdom to know that He is with us wherever we go, but He says the warrior is in you. You will be the one to save you. Let your heart be the light to guide you through your dark tunnels. Pray and ask God for guidance but keep walking. The bible says, "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil." You have to go through your problematic territory to get to your destination. If you stop now, you will forever reside in your problem.

"There is nothing to fear but fear itself."

Fear is a powerful emotion. Fear can make you doubt yourself, your capabilities, and your destiny because you're afraid of what you might face. A lot of people quit on their dreams or never start their dreams because they fear failure. People never go after their dream person because they fear rejection. Fear can make you miss out on opportunities that were meant to bring you into a new level of life. When you open yourself up to fear, you open yourself up to the devil and all of his minions. Faith is the replacement to fear. Because though you may be afraid of failure, your faith pushes you to try anyhow. Though you fear being rejected, your faith in yourself and your abilities, pushes you to go after that person anyhow. Any time you feel fear, trade it in for faith. You know that God will not lead you astray. You should place your faith in Him and in turn He will place hope and belief in you. He will show you why you had nothing to fear in the first place.

I Love Ya! -Princess Queet <3

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