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3 Channeled Messages

Message 1: The Angry Bird

Someone is angry with themselves and/or you collective! This person hid themselves from you and kept you at a distance while dealing with you. They are so upset at this moment because they truly feel as if they did you wrong and you left them! You did not chase them or become frustrated; you simply did the dash on they ass! Lol! This person had an overbearing parent who influenced their decisions and what they should be doing with their life. This person expected you to be patient with them like you're Mother Teresa or sum! TUH! They are now ready to risk everything to come back towards you, but they feel like you have shut them out. They feel like you have cut off all access to you and you are not even thinking about spinning the block. This person may have tried to get revenge on you for leaving them and now they feel guilty as a fawk! They have reached a point where they don't want to run from you anymore because they miss you physically, emotionally, and sexually! Baby the passion is burning in this person for you, but they know they no longer have that type of access to you. They feel like by you shutting them out, you are giving them "payback" in some way! They are angry with you because they pushed you away and you actually left! Wow! You are actually happy without them and that is really irritating their demons. They thought you would be frustrated and crying but it's them that's sliding down the wall. The guilt they feel is consuming them and even though they are hiding their true emotions to the world, THEY FEEL IT ALL! Baby if only walls could talk!!

Song: Walls Talking x Kevin Gates

Message 2: The Betrayer

There is someone is who is about to or already has betrayed you. This person is loose as a muhfuckin goose honey! This person has done something to you behind your back that they will take to the grave (if spirit lets them). Your ancestors are no longer negotiating with this person and has warned them about what they're doing is wrong! This person could have slept with someone you know or tried to get to set-up! They have some unhealed childhood trauma that is causing them to envy you or want to cause you pain. They are really fucked up in the head baby! :( They want anything you have: a man, a job, a car, a house, your smile, your spirit at this point! They do all of these things to you and then feel satisfaction afterwards because they feel like they accomplished something! Chile all they accomplished was more trauma! They wrote a check that their ass can't cash. This person has been committed to trying to tear you down behind the scenes and now spirit is tearing them down for everyone to see. Your spirit team is saying this person is trash and when you find out what they have done to you, you need to leave them in the trash gutter they crawled up from! I hear trailer park trash? Someone may have lived in a trailer or does now. This person is getting a big dose of God's Vengeance and it is going to have them questioning everything they have ever done to betray you. Baby when I say God about to STEP on them, I mean that whole heartly! Not only will their secret love affair discard them like trash, but they will also be the ones set-up and being looked at as a "hoe." What goes around, comes right back around! Pray for them and send them on their way because they will need that prayer!

Song: Karma x Summer Walker

Message 3: Delayed Blessing

Honeyyyyyy, FINALLY SOME LOVE! Lol! There is a delayed connection that is coming into fruition for you. YAY! This person was delayed because you and this person had some lessons to learn before spirit could bring y'all together. Y'all both had karmic energies attached to y'all like leeches, ew. This person could be coming in within 4-8 days, weeks, or months. Spirit wants you to not give off the energy that people from you past gave you. Don't love this person from that place of fear and rejection. You may be seeing angel numbers everywhere! Pay attention to the angel numbers because they mean something. You are going to love it in your new relationship. Like baby when I say this person gone have you like "THIS MY MFKIN MAN/WOMAN!!" Lol, I know that's right! Leo season may be very important or this person could be a Leo. This person has been looking you up on the internet from the moment they learned your name. They feel like they know who you are to them and to this world. This person believes y'all are soulmates who've never met or never taken it there! Just from watching you, they are more intrigued than they have ever been with anyone thus far. The people you have cut off or left alone are going to be PISSED when yall pop out. Shuggah you better just put your phone on DND Lol! They are going to feel like you are only using this person to make them jealous and boy will they be wrong when they see y'all getting married! Spirit is saying to not focus on this past energy and pay it no mind because you are meant for a bigger picture. You are meant to have more out of connections and this person is going to give it to you! Take your time when this person comes in because they will be here for a while, there is no rush! You will become this person's favorite person and they will become yours! <3

Song: Favorite Song x Toosii


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